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Commissioners of the Queensland Police

Period Served Name
2000 - Robert Atkinson
1992 - 2000 James Patrick O'Sullivan
1989 - 1992 Noel Ronald Newnham
1987 - 1989 Ronald Joseph Redmond
1976 - 1987 Terence Murray Lewis
1970 - 1976 Raymond Wells Whitrod
1969 - 1970 Norrin William Bauer
1958 - 1969 Francis Erich Bischof
1957 Thomas William Harrold
1955 - 1957 Patrick Glynn
1949 - 1954 John Smith
1934 - 1949 Cecil James Carroll
1925 - 1934 William Harold Ryan
1921 - 1925 Patrick Short
1917 - 1921 Frederick Charles Urquhart
1905 - 1916 William Geoffrey Cahill
1895 - 1905 William Edward Parry-Okenden
1864 - 1895 David Thomas Seymour



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© 2009 Copyright John Rice
Last Modified June 2009